Competitive Eating-Is it Linked to Obesity?

They actually consider this a sport! I couldn't believe it. 

Competetors say that this is NOT linked to obesity though.  They are all in decent shape.  They say that this is an okay thing once in a while, as long as it is handled responsibly.

Now the fact that they actually consider this a sport amazes me.  But apparently, they train for it and everything.  According to them they work just as hard as any other athlete.  Interesting...

So now you know a bit more about


All Nighters Can Hurt Grades

Yes, your all night cram sessions acutally hurt your grades.  It has been shown that students who pull all nighters to study for exams have lower GPAs than the students who get their sleep.

Why is this? Because when you haven't had enough sleep, you can't focus.  If you can't focus then of course you won't do well.

So, now you know.  Next time you go to take a big exam, study, sleep, and you should do great!


Tow Truck Driving

After reading an article about tow truck drivers, I now know their job is not so easy.

Parts of what they do are a bit..out there.  When they have to reposses a car, they get the address to them home--NO MATTER WHAT.  They aren't afraid to use trickery and what not.  Kind of sad that it comes down to that...

Also, their job is a bit dangerous.  The guy in the interview said he has gotten beat in the face with a baseball bat before.  He said taht he knows a guy who has gotten slashed with a J hook across the face (whatever a J hook is..) and some of his co-workers have been shot at!

It seems to me like this job can be pretty dangerous, and really scary.  So, if you ever have a problem with a tow truck driver, remember it is probably your fault, and they're just doing their job.  So, give them a break.


Semester Tests

Being a freshman, this will be my first year going through semester tests.  Personally, I like the website option offered to CWI students, because it means I get to sleep in on Wednesday.

But seriously, I am pretty scared about these upcoming tests.  It is kinda scary how our entire grade can depend on them.  Well up to twenty percent, but still, that's a lot.

And what about those of us who don't have any way to go any where during tests?? It makes everything a bit more difficult. 

Also, what is up with the random order of class periods? Why can't we just go one two three four and five six seven eight?  Just a bit confusing.

But in the end, the concept makes sense because teachers ahve to test us over what we have learned somehow.



I don't think having jobs is a good idea.  Some would argue that it teaches responsibility or that it's a way to earn your own money, but I don't like it.

Well, I guess I should rephrase that.  I don't think having jobs IN HIGH SCHOOL is a good idea.  Think about it; you have your entire life to work.  Why not have fun while you're young and don't have to worry about it?

I think that since we are only in high school and have all of forever(not really, but still a long time) ahead of us to work, we should just worry about having fun and enjoying these years while we can. 

So that's why I think having a job in high school is a bad idea.

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« October 2008 »
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