Another Blog

In this blog we had to use this calculator to see how much CO2 we are putting in the air. It also showed how much we pollute and are not helping the environment. Another cool thing it did was show how much CO2 we would eliminate if we recycled and tried to help out our earth.

As I started to put in numbers in the calculator I noticed that my family pollutes a lot. The main reason is because we travel a lot and thats not a good thing. We try to cut down from driving everywhere but it doesn't seem to work out the way we want it to. Although we may be a really high polluter, which I feel bad now, we do some part to help out the economy. We do recycle everything that needs to be recycled. I'm glad that we are doing something rather than nothing.

 I'm glad that this calculator was here to show how much we put CO2 into the air. I think other people should be notified of this because some peeople do not know how bad the earth is being polluted. I honestly didn't think that we were that bad until the calculator but I sure am glad that I got to see it now than later.

Current mood: Love


 In this article it talks about global warming. It is saying that sinece the ice age is freezing we need to pay attention to it because horrible things can happen cause of it. At the little ice age no one could figure out why the temperatures were raising until the CO2 theory happened in the 1940's. Scientist have found out that 50% of the causes of global warming in the 20th century was caused by the sun. This article basically talks about what us people can do to help reduce the cause of glbal warming. Another thing it states is because of global warming getting worse each year more people are going to have to suffer because of the earths reaction to global warming. They also stated that in the year of 1970 they took quotes from this magazine, and the quotes weren't a warning for global warming. The quotes were a warning of an ice age. The media and scientist kept flipping theorys to a cooling or a warming, they can't decide of what is going to happen. It also talked about how the polar bears are suffering because they need ice to live, because it's their habitat and they need it.


Well this article was way to long :), but that is ok. I think that the scientist and geologist need to figure out what is going to help this earth because we need to save it. They also need to figure it out so people can be prepared for the worst. I also think people need to read this to know what problems are happening and need to be prepared. They also need to know how to help our economy for our greatgrand children and such. I think it is a good article.

Current mood: Happy


 In this article it talks about global warming. It is saying that sinece the ice age is freezing we need to pay attention to it because horrible things can happen cause of it. At the little ice age no one could figure out why the temperatures were raising until the CO2 theory happened in the 1940's. Scientist have found out that 50% of the causes of global warming in the 20th century was caused by the sun. This article basically talks about what us people can do to help reduce the cause of glbal warming. Another thing it states is because of global warming getting worse each year more people are going to have to suffer because of the earths reaction to global warming. They also stated that in the year of 1970 they took quotes from this magazine, and the quotes weren't a warning for global warming. The quotes were a warning of an ice age. The media and scientist kept flipping theorys to a cooling or a warming, they can't decide of what is going to happen. It also talked about how the polar bears are suffering because they need ice to live, because it's their habitat and they need it.


Well this article was way to long :), but that is ok. I think that the scientist and geologist need to figure out what is going to help this earth because we need to save it. They also need to figure it out so people can be prepared for the worst. I also think people need to read this to know what problems are happening and need to be prepared. They also need to know how to help our economy for our greatgrand children and such. I think it is a good article.

Current mood: Happy


Playing the game made me realize how hard it is to live over in Darfur. It was a fun game but it was really hard to play. I think that this was a good blog to post because people will now undestand what people have to go through over in that area. It's a sad situation and I think that everyone should know about it. It's a really rough life over there and I feel so bad for the people over there and I wish I could help. No one should live in those conditions and if i had a chance I would do anything to help them.


Blog number 6!~

Current mood: Sad

Blog 5

     In this story the setting happens in Georgia. Basically all this story is saying that it wants to divide the classes up into the type of sex you are. They think that an all girls class would be better because they think that the girls aren't trying to impress the guys and would be more outspoken. They also think that if the guys were just in a class together they think that the guys would focus so they wont have to try and impress the girls. The people who came up with this research seems to be right. The all girls school is ranking at the top of the charts for the greatest schools. The other thing that might be the problem is that is this school richer and has more opprotunities than other schools, we don't know but if they do keep this going we will find out what the statistics do say about spliting the sexes apart.


   My opinion is way different than this. I know that I don't get distracted by people in my class at all. I like it with boys and girls both because we get to see ther perspective of answers from both girls and guys' view. Another reason I like having girls and guys in the same class is because most of my friends are guys and I wouldn't have met them completely if I weren't in the same class as them. A question that is on my mind is if we get split to girls and guys to different classes does that also mean that the teachers have to be in the same sex?

  All I know is that I love how our school is and I love that we are girls and guys in a class, because honestly girls get annoying and we need to spice it up a bit.


Thats my opinion.

Current mood: Dead

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