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Affirmative Action-Is it Working?

Hey! Remember talking about affirmative action in class? In case you don't remember, here's a brief description of what affirmative action is. Affirmative action is basically the encouragement of increased numbers of minority groups in the work force and schools. In the article I read, a law professor at UCLA stated that currently only one in three African-Americans who attend law school are passing the bar exam on their first try. Many don't ever become a lawyer at all. The professor believes this is because students are being accepted into the schools based on race and not credentials. This means that students are being accepted to elite schools that they're not ready for, just because of affirmative action. Professor Sander believes that if these students were to attend less competitive schools, they would have a much better chance of passing the bar exam and becoming lawyers. Professor Sander is working on getting bar data collected over the last three decades. Recently, however, a California bar committee refused to release the information. Here's a link to the article. Be sure to read it and decide how you feel on the matter. This entire issue once again brings up that age old question. Affirmative action-Is it working?,2933,301722,00.html

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« April 2008 »
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