How Many is Too Many?

Abu Arrar of Israel is about to get married...for the ninth time. He currently has eight wives. Although that statistic may shock you, just wait until you hear how many children he has. 67 is the current number of kids Arrar has. He says that even though he has so many, he can remember all of their names and that he has about an equal number of boys and girls. Arrar and his family live in a multistory house with a camel, a cow, and several goats. It's amazing that he's able to support that big of a family with as little money he makes. Even with such a large family, and at the age of 58, Abu hopes to continue expanding. In Israel, a law has been passed that goes against polygamy, which is having more than one wife. So every time Abu marries a new wife, he has to divorce the previous one. However, his previous wives are still considered his wives. How this man can keep up with this big a family, I don't know. Abu says he would like to have one hundred children by 2015! Here's a link to the entire story. That's all for now! LATER!!,2933,302261,00.html

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