Blog #6

Ok so my interaction with people of minorities is pretty limited. There aren't many people of minority in Harlan, Iowa. That gives me little chance to interact with them. I have met and spoken to many different people of other races. However, none of my best friends are of a different race. And now for the test...

The test results said that I have a slight automatic preference to European American people. I do kind of agree with this. One reason I agree with the results is that I don't have many African American people around to talk to. I also think that almost everyone is, in some way, preferential to their particular race. It's just the way we think. I wouldn't consider myself racist at all. I see no difference between whites and blacks other than skin color and history. I know that I may be preferential to whites a little bit, but I certainly do not dislike other minority groups. All in all, I agree with the results of my test, but I wouldn't ever consider myself a racist. That's all for now! The results of my test are posted below. Later!

Current mood:TIRED!

Current World Issues-Midway Through

I thought that since this blog is all about current world issues, I might as well sum up my thoughts on the class so far. I personally really like cwi. I'd actually have to say that it's one of my favorite periods of the day. I like knowing what's going on in the world, even though it can be scary sometimes. I also have a lot of fun talking about politics and global issues. I like to discuss issues with other people and see what they're opinions are. In this class I'm getting to do a little bit of that, and I like it. Another thing I really like about this class is that most of our homework can be done online. For people like me, who hate to write and love to type, this is really helpful. And if I were to miss a day of class, I could just go to the website and find out everything I missed. I also really like the fact that I can voice my opinions without being judged. There are a lot of environments where you have to have the opinion of the group or you'll be looked upon as an outsider. The final thing I really like about cwi is the different units we do. I'm really interested in the whole Rwanda and Darfur issue. I'd really like to learn more about that. I also want to hear some facts about global warming that support it. I'm one of those people who believe that we are a small contributor to global warming if even a factor at all. Basically, all that I'm saying is that I love this class!!! That's all for now!  
Current mood: Big-Smiley

It Was All O.J.'s Idea

One of O. J. Simpson's co-defendants, Walter Alexander, claims that bringing guns into the picture during the robbery was all O.J.'s idea. Alexander said that Simpson had told him and the other man involved, Michael McClinton, to bring firearms. However, McClinton got out of hand, according to Alexander. McClinton was allegedly pretending to be a police officer, waving his weapon in the air. I personally think that this whole thing is a bit shaky. I don't know the entire story, but it's sort of odd that someone would know to tape record this entire conversation. It's also strange that Simpson had any sports memorabilia left as he was ordered by the court to sell it several years ago. I'm not sure, but I think that they have O.J. nailed this time. I doubt he's going to get away with this one. That is, assuming he commited his wife's and her boyfriend's murders. Anyway, read this article and let me know what your thoughts are on the case. Later!

Current mood:Tired

How Many is Too Many?

Abu Arrar of Israel is about to get married...for the ninth time. He currently has eight wives. Although that statistic may shock you, just wait until you hear how many children he has. 67 is the current number of kids Arrar has. He says that even though he has so many, he can remember all of their names and that he has about an equal number of boys and girls. Arrar and his family live in a multistory house with a camel, a cow, and several goats. It's amazing that he's able to support that big of a family with as little money he makes. Even with such a large family, and at the age of 58, Abu hopes to continue expanding. In Israel, a law has been passed that goes against polygamy, which is having more than one wife. So every time Abu marries a new wife, he has to divorce the previous one. However, his previous wives are still considered his wives. How this man can keep up with this big a family, I don't know. Abu says he would like to have one hundred children by 2015! Here's a link to the entire story. That's all for now! LATER!!,2933,302261,00.html

Current mood: Big-Smiley

Game Plan's A Go

The new Disney movie, The Game Plan, was recently released in theaters. I personally saw the movie at the Star Cinema in Council Bluffs this past Saturday. I really enjoyed it! It was a heartfeld and sometimes humerous story of an NFL quarterback, Joe Kingman, who finds he has a daughter he's never been told about. Of course, Kingman(played by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson) is very self centered, and believes that football is the most important thing in life. That all changes when his daughter Peyton(played by Madison Pettis) comes to town. Joe is thrust into full-on-dad mode, giving up his late nights on the town and even surredering his so-cool bachelor pad. By the end of the movie Joe realizes just how much he loves his daughter and just how much football really doesn't matter. The performances of Dwayne Johnson and Madison Pettis are oustanding! Kyra Sedgwick, Roselyn Sanchez, and Morris Chestnut also make up this stellar cast. I would highly reccomend this movie. It is a great family flick and suitable for people of all ages. I give this movie 4.5 stars out of 5! That's all for now! Later!!!

Current mood: Big-Smiley

School Shooter "Had All the Signs"

One of the teacher's shot in the Cleveland school shooting last Wednesday has stated that Asa Coon, the shooter, was upset about his near-failing grade. The teacher said, "He just seemed really troubled, really troubled." Mr. Grassie stated that, on the day of the shooting, Asa came into the classroom with two revolvers in hand, and that he had never seen a 14-year-old with that kind of hatred on his face. I think it's really sad that all of these school shootings are happening. I don't know if there's anything the school's could have done about these attacks, but it makes one wonder whether our schools are truly safe and if they really care. I hope that in the future, children won't have to look at their school as an unstable environment and even a scary place to be. Well, that's really all I have for now. Here's a link to this article.,2933,301722,00.html


Affirmative Action-Is it Working?

Hey! Remember talking about affirmative action in class? In case you don't remember, here's a brief description of what affirmative action is. Affirmative action is basically the encouragement of increased numbers of minority groups in the work force and schools. In the article I read, a law professor at UCLA stated that currently only one in three African-Americans who attend law school are passing the bar exam on their first try. Many don't ever become a lawyer at all. The professor believes this is because students are being accepted into the schools based on race and not credentials. This means that students are being accepted to elite schools that they're not ready for, just because of affirmative action. Professor Sander believes that if these students were to attend less competitive schools, they would have a much better chance of passing the bar exam and becoming lawyers. Professor Sander is working on getting bar data collected over the last three decades. Recently, however, a California bar committee refused to release the information. Here's a link to the article. Be sure to read it and decide how you feel on the matter. This entire issue once again brings up that age old question. Affirmative action-Is it working?,2933,301722,00.html

Current mood: Bored

Iowa Hawkeyes!

The Iowa Hawkeyes won their first conference game against Illinois this past Saturday. It was the Hawks first Big Ten win this season and first Big Ten win in eight conference games. I myself am a huge Hawkeye fan, and even though it's been a rough couple of years, I still believe in the Hawks 100%! Next Saturday, Iowa takes on the Purdue Boilermakers. Hopefully this win will gives the Hawks some confidence and a few more victories to end the season. Here's a link to an article about Iowa's win and a video of highlights from the game. That's all I have for now! GO HAWKS!!!!!!

Current mood: Big-Smiley

We're Not Safe Yet

Check this out! A recent report just came out and stated that Al Qaeda, a terrorist organization, is still the biggest threat to the U.S. as far as terrorist attacks. The report claimed that Al Qaeda is now intensifying their efforts to get people into the U.S. and launch an attack.  Since 9/11 I have personally believed that Al Qaeda would attack again if we didn't go to war and stay there. Their main goal would be to kill as many Christians as possible in my opinion. The United States is a largely Christian nation making us the prime target. There are many people who would disagree and say that Al Qaeda isn't going to try to make another 9/11 happen and that the attack on 9/11 was merely because we haven't been very friendly to the Middle East in the past. If this report proves to be true, I can only say that I am very sorry to those people who believe that 9/11 was a one-time deal. Check out this link to an article on the matter, and let me know your thoughts!,2933,300469,00.html

Current mood: Bored

One of Musharraf's Escorts Went Down,2933,299984,00.html


Check this link out! One of the three helicopters escorting the President of Pakistan, Musharraf, crashed in the Pakistan portion of Kashmir today! The crash killed four and injured five. The President, however, was not injured. The crash was blamed on a technical fault and not on a terrorist attack. What made this crash so suspicious was the many prior attempts on the President's life and the fact that he was elected a mere two days ago. Check out this link for more details on this story!


Blog #5

Ok so my final score was 35%. Compared to other people, I ranked barely under average. I thought that the quiz was very long and that some of the questions were confusing. Half the time, I didn't even know what they were talking about. I wasn't really surprised when I found my score. I actually guessed on around three fourths of the questions. I am glad that I took this quiz. It really gave me a perspective on how much I know about our world and society. Well, that's all I have for now! Later! 
Currently playing:Wake Up Call
Current mood: Big-Smiley

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