Blog #2

Alright, to sum up this report, the Iraqi government, along with some help from the U.S. is attempting to improve it's overall security and the efficiency of it's government. Although the security in Iraq is improving, certain groups of people are making it hard for any further progress to take place. Some of these groups include al-Qa'ida, Iran, and Syria. Turkey is also a minor problem. Basically, the Sunni Community ran the government when Sadam was is power. Now that Sadam is gone, the Shia Community has the largest say in government. Well the Sunni do not like this. So, the Sunni basically withdrew from Iraq's government. Now, the main focus of the President of Iraq, Maliki, is to bring the Sunni back into Iraq's government. Some of the Sunni have started to respond to Maliki's propositions. Some Sunni are even beginning to support the coalition forces. Al-Qa'ida is however purposely disrupting this to try and keep the country as apart as they can. The Sunni are helping coalition forces to bring down al-Qa'ida. However, Iran and Syria are also trying to separate the country. Iran wants to be the superpower of the Middle East and therefore wants control of Iraq. Syria also shares in this goal. If the U.S. is ever going to leave, a few things are going to have to happen. The Sunni and Shia are going to have to come together, Iraq's government must become a functional democracy, and Iraq's military is going to have to become strong enough to protect the country.

  As far as my stand on the war goes, I believe the troops should be left in Iraq. If we were to leave, Iran and al-Qa'ida are going to come in and take over the government of Iraq. Also, if you look at statistics, compared to other wars, the American casualties in this war are far less. What makes it seem so bad is the way every single death is broadcast on the news and made into the biggest tragedy the world has ever seen. If peace is to be restored in the Middle East, and our country is to remain safe, the best move is to keep the troops in Iraq.


Blog #1

My name is Jordan Brelje. I was born in Mason City, Iowa, which is a pretty large city about four hours away from Harlan. My family moved to Harlan when I was three months old. I have a brother, Josh, and a sister, Jenna, as well as my parents. Some of my hobbies include playing sports, listening to music, playing the piano, traveling, being with family, and watching television. The sports I play are soccer, basketball, softball, and golf. I've been playing the piano for nine years, and this will be my tenth year.

I'd like to think I know most of the major events that happen in the world, but I'm not always completely up to date on everything. I sometimes watch the news or listen to a radio talk show about some wordly issues. I also read the paper every once in a long while, but that's about it. Hope we have a great semester!  

Current mood:Tired


Hey there everybody!!

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