Teen Victim Choked by Dad

     A 16 yaer old girl died after being choked to death by her dad in Toronto Ont. Her father strangled her because she refused to wear the hijab. Hijab is an Islamic headscarf worn by some Muslim women. Peel Regional Police arrested a 57-year-old man after receiving a 911 call on Tuesday morning. The call was from a suburban home in Mississauga. The man on the phone was saying he had killed his daughter. When the police arrived at the home they found the teenager on the floor wiht no vital signs. At this time they are not getting into the details of her injuries. The officers are still talking to family members and friends. The victims friends said her family was very strict. Another friend said her and her dad would fight about her wearing Islamic dress and wearing her hijaab all of the time. The police have confirmed that there were other family memebers home when the teen died.

~Sarah Jo~


Artic Tale

    My mom and I watchrd a documentary called Artic Tale. It told the story of two main artic mammals. Polar bearsSmileand walruses. it started out by showing the way the lived, ate, and survived before Global Warming. After awhile it wshows the effects Global Warming has put on these animals and the ways the try to survive. This movie was very serious, educational, and eye opening! It was a very emotional movie for me.. I started to cry!Cry At the end of the movie was some really interesting statistics. it said that by 2040 the Artic ocean wil be ice free!! OMG how insane is that? I will only 46 yrs old! SAD!! It also incuded other tips on how YOU can help Global warming and maybe save the life of a hopless Polar bear.  I really hope you take the time and watch this movie!

 ~Sarah Jo~


Westroads Mall

  I got home yesterday and turned on the tv around 2 pm. every Iowa channel ahd on the same thing. BREAKING NEWS! The news was extremly depressing. A shooting took place in the Van Maur store. I started to think about how sometihng like that could happen so close to us. It's kinda scary! The gunnman kiled 9 people including himself. He injured 5 other victims. He left a will and a suicide note. In the note it said he wanted to die famous. It also said "I'm going out in style," which is the same thing wrote in the Columbine suicide note. I feel bad for all the families that have been put into this tragic occurance. I will have a hard time going shopping in a mall without feeling a little upset or scared.




Polar Bears

    My favorite animal is a polar bear. Global Warming is invading their habbitat. Polar bears are dieing from swimming for along period of time. The ice sheets that they stand on are being melted because of the amount of the sun rays that are gettign trapped in the atmoshpere.  The ice is too thin for the polar bears to stand on and breaks easily.  They are having troubles finding a place to rest. Scientists believe that they may be extinct in the next 90 years.Cry We can help save them by using metheds to help Global warming. I love polar bears!!! I would hate it if they all disappeared because of our bad judgment.

~Sarah Jo~default


Blog # 8

    Many people think Global Warming is not happenning, and their just trying to scare us. I beleive that it is happennig,but not to the extreme that they make it out to be. yes, we need to be more catious on what we are doing to help this problem get bigger. the qmopunt of co2 is insane! Becuase of the high amount of co2 and the rising of the temperature, that prove it is happenning. The temperature is cuasing ice to melt and sea levels to rise. Animals such as the polars bears are becoming limited due to the lack of ice, in which they stand on to get out of the water. I really hope they find a way to slow down Global Warming befor eit gets out of hand and hurts the earth.
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