Current World Issues-It's Almost Over

I have to say that, even though this class was very challenging, I truly enjoyed it. It made me a lot more aware of the things happening in the world today. I liked being able to come home and talk to my dad about the current politics or news. Sometimes I even knew about things he didn't, and that doesn't happen often. The topics we covered were also very interesting to me. I especially liked talking about Darfur and Rwanda. I think that what's happening over there is terrible, and I'm glad that I got to learn more about it. More people should be taught about those things, and do something to help. My favorite thing about cwi was, of course, the daily news. Not only did it give me time to finish my homework, but it really kept me up to date on stories and issues that interested me. The only thing I didn't like about cwi were the dreaded newsblogs. Yes, they will help me in the future, but they took up a lot of time and cost me a few too many hours of sleep. I am thankful that we had to do them, but I surely won't miss them!:) As odd as it may sound, this class has actually really made me like HISTORY. Of course, that's a little odd, considering this is CURRENT world issues. But it really has. I want to know more about the world, and how it became what it is today. I am very thankful that I was given the opportunity to be in this class. I am really going to miss this class, and I might even miss Mr. Bruns...a little.:) This is my last individual blog, so for the very last time: LATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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