Blog #8

Ok, so here is the main idea on the anti-global warming point of view. Senator James Inhofe discussed how global warming is simply a scare tactic used by alarmists to make people fear the so-called "destruction of earth" due to us. Inhofe also discussed how alarmists never take into consideration the Medieval Warm Period or the high temperatures of the 1930's. He said that it was actually warmer in the 1930's than it is now. Alarmists claim that a major concern of global warming is the polar ice caps melting, however, Inhofe has several studies that show that the ice caps are actually gaining mass and that the temperatures around those areas are actually cooling. Inhofe also has studies that show that the polar bear population is increasing instead of decreasing.  He also considers Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" to be the "one of the slickest propaganda films of all time." There are several other points that Inhofe made in his speech, but those are some of the main ones.

Here is the main idea on global warming. Alarmists believe that the earth is warming because of human interference. They believe that CO2 emissions are a leading cause of global warming. Alarmists think that when we humans burn coal and other fossil fuels, the CO2 is then released into the air and eventually gets trapped inside the atmosphere and heats the earth. Al Gore is one of many famous alarmists. His movie, "An Inconvenient Truth," is about the effects humans have on the environment, which leads to global warming. It is a highly praised and criticized film. In it, Gore speaks about ice depletion, hard times for polar bears, and rising temperatures over the past twenty to thirty years. Alarmists believe that if we don't stop now, we may just destroy our earth.

I personally believe that global warming is happening, but that it's not due to humans. I believe that it is a natural process with a reoccuring theme every thirty or so years. Before even reading the reports or starting this unit for that matter, I was against the alarmist belief. My dad and Rush Limbaugh are probably the main contributors to that. I think that there are a lot of holes in the alarmist theory of things. I also believe that the media makes it difficult for people to see the facts because they are always talking about how we are the cause of global warming. It could almost be called brainwashing. I won't deny that global warming is currently happening, but as for humans causing it, no way! That's all for now. LATER!!!!!!!

Current mood: Bored

Blog #7

Alright, I just finished reading the report on the Millenium Goals. Here are the eight goals: eradicate poverty and hunger, achieve universal primary education, promote gender equality and empower women, reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, fight HIV/AIDS and other diseases, ensure environmental sustainability, and develop a global partnership for development. I think that these eight goals are very possible to achieve and are really great goals for nations to strive for. I think that poverty is a HUGE issue in the world right now. There's even poverty in the United States, though some people may not realize it. Of course, the worst poverty-stricken(and basically the worst off on all of these goals) is sub-Saharan Africa. There are some real problems over there, and these Millenium Goals are really starting to help with some of those issues. Even though the numbers may seem small, I think that any improvement is still improvement. I'm not very confident that all of these goals can be reached by every nation by the set time. I just don't think that it's realistic to think that most of Africa's problems can be taken care of in the next eight years. However, I do believe that these goals are a very big help to a lot of people, and that every nation should continue to strive to achieve them. That's all for now. LATER!!!!!

Currently playing:How Far We've Come
Current mood:TIRED

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