Another Storm in Florida

Once again, there's been some more severe weather in Central Florida today, leaving some damage and also some people with no lights or electricity. Fortunately, there have been no injuries reported so far. Workers for Florida Power and Light said there were around 125,000 or so customers from Merritt Island and Melbourne that were  without power. They also said that they're working and trying their best to restore the power as soon as possible. Metierologists spent the night putting out several tornado watches and warnings throughout Central Florida. There were many differant accidents along Interstate 4 and the strong winds also took out several trees.


Effects on Pulling All-nighters

So, those of you that are pulling all-nighters to study and raise your grade, stop. There was a survey done at St. Lawrence University in New York of 120 students to see if all-nighters really did help to raise grades, or if it lowered them. The results prove that those who have never pulled an all-nighter had a higher GPA with an average being 3.2, while those who have gone some nights with no sleep before had an average GPA of a 2.95. Those results aren't a huge difference, but it surprised many students and people. The same teacher that did that study, did another study and the results were extremely close. Most of the college students thought that the study made sense, because they had stayed up all night to study a few times and when it came test or presentation time they couldn't remember what they had studied around 3-5 in the morning.


Dan Fogelberg

Dan Folgerberg, a famous singer and songwriter passed away today at his home in Maine. He was 56 when his prostate cancer battle beat him. They said that he died at around 6 a.m. this morning and his wife Jean was standing by his side. The prostate cancer that he had was discovered in 2004. When he found out about it he thanked all his fans for all their great support for him. His songs that he wrote and sung touched many lives very deeply in all the years. His hit songs that really touched people the most were: "Same Old Lang Song" and "Leader of the Band."

The stealing of $7.4 million in Ohio

Twent-four year old Nicole Boyd, twenty-two year old Roger Dillon (Boyd's bpyfriend) and his mother stole cash and checks from Armored Transportation Systems in nearby Liberty where Roger had worked for for a little short of a year. All the money and checks that were stolen added up to equal $7.4 million. Five days later, the three were arrested at a mobile home about 250 miles away in Pipestem, West Virginia. Before they left they dropped off next month's rent in their landlord's mailbox and she didn't check the mail til about three days later and there was a note that said "SORRY." Everyone that knows them are still in disbelief that they would do that and they said that they would never see them doing that.


Bird Flu

Health experts have recently been sent to Pakistan to help investigate whether the bird flu was transferred through the contact of humans. Four brothers (two of them died) and two cousins from a small city located about 30 miles north of Islamabad are believed to have gotten this virus. A man and his neice, who were of the same area, had harvested chickens and also gotten the same virus. There was another person in a nearby town called Mansehra who harvested poultry was positive for this disease. Details about this is still confusing for Pakistan's Health Ministry because they reported six people had initially tested positive for the virus last month, while the WHO said that there were eight patients with it. They say the reason why the two are different may be because six were tested using a highly recommended method while the other two were tested with a less reliable one.


Malibu Wildfire

Two men that were suspected of starting the fire and destroying many Malibu homes last month, finally turned theirselves in. Eric Ullman, 18, and Dean Lavorante, 19, which are both from Culver City, California, posted bail of $240,000 and were later released to their parents. There are three other suspects that still remain in custody. They are; Brian Anderson, 22; Brian Franks, 27; and William Coppock, 23. The authorities said that the men are all from the Los Angeles area, were drinking in a cave at the Malibu State Park, which is a popular party spot when they started the fire.  All five of the men that were involved in the fire face felony charges and each count results in 2-4 years of prison.



Why gang members in Central aren't tattooing themselves anymore...

The gangs in Central America aren't wearing tattoos, baggy pants, and tank tops anymore. Instead, they're getting smart blazers and university recruits because the government is geting harsher and so they're trying to lower their profile.  The Mara 18 and Mara Salvatrucha gangs are known in Central America and the U.S. for the beaheading they do to their enemies and covering their entire body and also buildings with the gang symbols. They're becoming to recruit young high school and college kids which is raising their criminal records from minor robberies to large-scale extortion, prostitution, car theft and kidnappings. The government is getting a lot meaner and harsher now. "These days we can't even go out onto the street, where the police look at us and we end up dead," said Giovanni Estrada, an imprisoned gang member with tattooed face who goes by the nickname of "Little Crazy." "That's why we tell [new gang members] not to paint their faces."

Currently playing:Watching Airplanes

2008 presidential election standings

The newest standings of the democratic candidates for president in 2008 starts with Hilary Clinton in the lead with 40%, Obama with 30%, and Edwards in third place with 14%. The leader for the Republicans with 24% is Rudy Giuliani, closely following him is Huckabee with 22%, in third is Romney with 16%. The issues right now between the Republicans and Democrats are abortion, immigration, Iraq, same-sex mariage, taxes, and social security. For this election, Iowa is one of the five states to watch. It says that it's very hard to predict who's going to win the Iowa vote. Iowa's the battleground state with very liberal Democrats and also very conservative Republicans. Romney won the Iowa straw poll.

Currently playing:Our Song-Taylor Swift
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