The War in Iraq

       Although the level of violence and number of attacks and casualties among civilions still remains high, the overall attack levels have fallen throughout the last seven out of nine weeks. With some help from the U.S., the Iraqi government is trying to improve it's overall security and the efficiancy of its government. Even though the government is improving and the security is getting better, there are different groups that are making the process very difficult. These groups that are doing so are Iran, Syria, al-Qa'ida, and Turkey is also causing some slight problems. In order for our troops to leave Iraq, the Sunni and Shia are going to have to join, along with Iraq's government has to become a workable democracy, and their military will have to become strong so that they can protect the country better. Maliki, the President of Iraq, is trying to have the Sunni come back in the Iraqi government. Some of them have started to answer to his idea, and are starting to support coalition forces, but al-Qa'ida is trying to ruin thisto try to keep the two countries from coming together. Some of the Sunni are trying to help bring down al-Qa'ida, but Iran and Syria are trying to do the same thing are al-Qa'ida's doing; seperate the country.


I thought that the war in Iraq was a good idea the first few years it was going on. To help the government and to try to find the weapons of mass distruction that they knew where there. Since they haven't yet found the weapons and the government is improving, my idea has kind of changed. I believe that this war will never really come to an end, Bush should start taking troops out of Iraq and start sending them home, beacause enough have died.


Blog #1

Hello, I'm Emily Hundt and am a freshman. I live on a farm in Harlan with my brother and mom and dad. We have a lot of animals; Chuck, my donkey, is my favorite. I'm involved in sports: basketball, volleyball, CYO softball, and tennis. I was born in Orange City, Iowa and grew up there til we moved to Harlan 5 years ago. Some of the things outside of school that I like to do is to go on vacation and to go boating.

About me
« October 2008 »
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