Extra Blog #9

    Why are gas prices so high? I really don't know the answer to this question and I don't think that to many other people can either. I think why they are so high is because a barrel of oil sells for $90. Why is oil so expensive? The Middle East has a monopoly on oil because that is where the majority of the worlds oil is. The U.S. is also willing to pay the expensive cost because what's another $90 dollars to the trillions we already owe and we really need this oil for our cars. Why don't we spend 1/16 of the money we spend on oil and put that toward research toward developing alternate fuels and alternate fuel cars that get 30 miles to the gallon. We should also take some of the unneeded regulations off cars so that they would get 40 mpg and the trucks and suburbans would get 20-25 mpg. We need to start finding a way to get out of the Middle East and support the people that are in our country. We need a change or the US population may go into a depression because of the $200 barrel of oil that may come in the future.

Extra Blog #8

    Does anyone else think that the snow is really good for sledding this year? I really do because at our house we are almost hitting our barn down our hill and at my grandparents house we went over there driveway and went way past there road. I really like that the snow has stayed here this long and I hope it doesn't melt before Christmas. Hopefully the cold stays here and our pond gets frozen enough that we can go slide around on it. The weather might not be cooperating though because it is supposed to be above freezing everyday this week. Hopefully this doesn't happpen because it has been a fun winter already and I don't want it to stop. The only bad part about the cold is that the ice isn't thawing and the roads are still slick. Hopefully the snow won't melt and I wish you all a Merry Christmas. 

Extra Blog #7

     Does anybody think that Dale Earnhardt Jr. will be good next year driving for Hendrick Motorsports? I think that he will do pretty well but won't have an awesome year because he is with a new team. He might make it into the chase but he won't be a contender and Jeff Gordan will beat him and win his fifth championship. I really didn't like him before because of his sporsor but he changed his sponsor to Mt. Dew so I might like him now. He is a pretty good driver and he has all of the fans because of his dad so he will have a lot of support this year. I'm looking forward to the Daytona 500 for him to show us something and this year it is the 50th for this race.

Extra Blog #6

    What I've learned in this semester of C.W.I. is that Mr. Bruns expects a lot from his students. He also has some very challanging tests that I didn't get even close to an "A" on. Mr. Bruns doesn't take laziness for an answer and when students do complain he makes the tests even more challanging. I have learned somethings from him though like how to upload videos and how to make a newsblog story. Also I've learned that cramming the night before doesn't work on a 46 question current events test. You have to look over your notes or map every night for a week before the test and then you will do pretty well on the tests. This class has taught me some valuable lessons that will help me through high school and college and I thank you for that Mr. Bruns.

Extra Blog #5

    I went on CNN.com and the top story was about these 3 people that stole $7.4 million from an armored car. The boyfriend had an armored car job and he used that to get into the safes. They all didn't have a criminal record and were even poor. There was nothing about them that made you think that they would steal anything. They lived in a 80 yr. old apartment and always payed there bill. Before they left they dropped off there next months rent in the landlords mailbox. Then they went to West Virginia and were arrested there five days later. This is kind of wierd because anyone could have done this but it was some quiet unsuspected people and that could be anybody. I just thought this was interesting and heres the link. http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/12/16/armored.car.company.ap/index.html
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