Midwest- Tired of Snow Yet?

    The midwest is covered in snow! To some that means sipping hot chocolate, making snowmen, and sledding. To others it means harsh driving conditions, bad roads, and bringing out your winter coats, gloves, hats and scarves.

        Mor than 2,000 flights in Chicago have been cancelled. Michigan is expecting 15 inches of snow in certain parts of state. And Connecticut has cancelled their commencement ceremony due to weather.

       So, are you a fan of the fluffy white stuff? I know I'm not.

Current mood: Cool

All Nighters- Can They Help or Hurt You?

        Do  youpull all nighters? Do you procrastinate in studying untill necessary? A recent study has shown that students who don't study all night may have slightly higher gpa's than students who stay up till all hours studying.

             This study was done by Pamela Thacher, a professor of phsycology. And  is said to be in the January magazine of Behavioral Sleep Medicine.  Excessive caffiene and not enough sleep is proven to partially blame.The study was done in a small, liberal arts college in northern New York. It said that from 120 students the students who did pull all nighters had an average of 2.95 in contrast to the others who didn't pull all nighters who have an average of a 3.2.

           So maybe you should sleep on the thought of pulling all nighters and whether it's a good thing or not.            


Two Men Turn Themselves in For Starting Fire in Malibu

Earlier today, two men of Culver City, California; Eric Matthew Ullman, 18, and Dean Allen Lavorante, 19, turned themselves in admitting to starting an unessesary fire. They were released on a 240,000 dollar bail. Three others are said to be linked as suspects and remain in custody Brian Allan Anderson, 22; Brian David Franks, 27; and William Thomas Coppock, 23. Authorities say that the boys were drinking in a populary party spot in a Los Angeles area. It is said that they will be sentenced to 2 to 4 years in prison.

Westroads today

Alright so I'm sure you all know about the shooting at Von Maur about 2 weeks ago. Well today I was shopping at the westroads and all entrances were closed off. It is said to be that they will be closed untill after the first of the year, or possibly even later. Von Maur employees are said to be paid for the absence of opening. Although Von Maur was closed the rest of the mall was swarmed with holiday shoppers. There was quite a bit more of security though. Just thought this was an interesting story. Thats all for now! Adios amigos!


Blog #8 Global Warming

        Global warming describes the gradual rise in the temperature of earth caused by humans polluting the environment.Special research has been done on global warming and some scientists have said it is melting the polar ice caps and will result in quite a bit of rainfall in other various areas or a drought. With scientists proving that global warming is happening. It should make us start to realize that we need to start to recycle, carpool, use energy efficient products, and just do whatever is possible for you to help clean the environment.

        My viewing on global warming is in the middle, because there are so many different things that make me either believe in global warming or think its all made-up. I think that it is something we should be concerned about even though it may not affect the people in this generation. Because it will most likely affect your childrens childrens children. And would you want a loved one's child to be in that situation because we didn't know what to do about global warming just because we thought it wouldn't effect us.       Thats all for now cya later!  

Current mood: Love

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